My First 6 months in Recruitment
Before working in recruitment, I worked in education for 2 years. Last week I got a message from a former student that said: I saw the video that your company posted with you in it and it seems like you are so happy. I think this is the perfect job for you. And she was right! My first 6 months in recruitment have been an absolute whirlwind – in the best way.
Recruitment can be incredibly fast paced which means that at times the learning curve can be steep, but I have learned in the past few months that some of my best work is done under pressure. Recruitment combines a lot of my passions and values. I love being able to help people daily – whether that is through finding them a new role, helping them figure out what they want to get out of their career, or just helping them to gain the confidence to achieve their goals.
As a young Caymanian who returned home after pursuing post-secondary education, I realized how difficult it can be to get a job on this island. SteppingStones offered me a role where they took the skills I had already gained from university, internships, and 2 years of full time working and built a trainee program to hone these skills into a career. I had never considered working in recruitment before October but now I cannot think about doing anything else.
In 6 months, I have met over 100 Caymanian candidates – most of whom were young Caymanians like me looking to start their careers upon completing their university degrees. Trainee programs like the one SteppingStones offered me need to become the norm in Cayman as we transition our workforce into the younger generation. Working in recruitment has shown that there is a gap in the market that can be filled with educated young Caymanians looking for opportunities that will train and nurture their interests into careers.
Recruitment has taught me a lot in just 6 months. Like anything in life there are valleys and mountaintops but having the resilience to carry on through the lows and allowing the highs to motivate you is so important. I see every day how I am growing with this role and how my team supports this growth.
I have lots of plans in mind for my next 6 months and they include meeting as many great Caymanian candidates as possible. If you are just starting out, I would be thrilled to meet you and chat about what options are available here on island- our island is our oyster and there are so many interesting jobs out there! I cannot wait to see what my unexpected career brings.