Market Yourself in 2015!

The New Year has arrived, and it brings with it a chance to create a new you and make a fresh start. Lots of people make New Year resolutions that focus on physical fitness challenges or losing weight, but what about putting that positive energy into marketing yourself? The goal with any plan is always the same – be the best you can be.


According to Skye Berry-Burke, a leading expert on marketing of professionals, positive thinking attracts positive things, and making time to plan for what you want to achieve, the results can be amazing!


Searching for a new role or even a new career can seem daunting, but with some positive thinking and a new understanding of what you want to achieve, you can go a long way. Try these tips for focusing the mind on your long term goal.


1) Try writing down your motivators and your plans. Think about how you would market yourself, and how you would like people to view you. Writing things down makes them clear and stops you from veering off course. You could also ask a friend or family member to write a few lines about how they see you and your skills – this can help you gain perspective on how you are coming across.


2) Next update your resume.  Once you know what your target market is, it is time to refresh your resume and tailor it to your goals. Have a think about what can set you apart from other candidates. What are your special skills and talents? How could they be useful to an employer?  Use your resume as a sales tool, to create the best possible impression!


3) Give it some time. Try making a to-do list or even block off some time in your calendar to concentrate on improving your skills. Have a look at some online courses or acquiring a new skill. Maybe an evening class looks good? How about learning a new language or updating your computer skills? These can be fun while also making you more marketable.


4) Visualize your end goal. Whatever it might be, imagine yourself in your dream job or career, and believe you can achieve it!


Content and inspiration for this article was based on “A New Year, New You” by Skye Berry Burke. If you would like to read the full article, the link is below.