An interesting peek at the hedge fund industry growth in 2015

According to the most recent Credit Suisse Annual Hedge Fund Investor Survey, the growth of the hedge fund industry is looking very positive due to investors forecasting around a 14.4% increase for 2015. An article in Hedgeweek impressively details the flourishing forecastedgrowth,resulting in a positive impact on industry assets over 3 trillion US dollars for the first time ever.


The polled views of 378 investors detailed that Global Macro is the highest demanded strategy,covering 1.13 trillion UD dollars of hedge fund investments according to the survey produced by Credit Suisse’s Hedge Fund Capital Services Group.


Other interesting points made in the article by Hedgeweek highlighted how the key factors used for selecting hedge funds by investors wereoften the net returns as well as the lower volatility when making their decisions. Fees, surprisingly were not a major factor of consideration when considering a new fund. The article makes a good point in noting that this could be suggestive of current industry fees being reasonably comfortable for institutional investors.


In addition, we are informed that the appetite of investors remains strong “with 30% of investors either increasing or maintain allocations” and that there is undisputed growth stemming from the retail section in EMEA region.


The survey discussed on Hedgeweek’s website provides interesting insight into what investors are seeking out and in 2015 and what drives and motivates them.


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