Working in the new world: What is next for our work lives and how does this differ to our new sense of normal?
As I enter week 9 of lock down, working from home and what I consider to be my new normal, it strikes me that while I am incredibly impatient and excited to be starting to see lock down restrictions easing, and new relaxed measures put in place around the globe, I can’t help but feel a little anxious for what the next few months might look like and how this will change my current situation that has come to feel like a comfort blanket in these uncertain and somewhat unnerving times.
My lockdown life has been a real roller coaster of mixed emotions for me, starting with a sense of almost ‘Is this necessary? Are we being over dramatic?’ to a very quick 180 degree change of ‘Oh my goodness, this is a situation more severe than I had ever realized it was going to be’ and how lucky and grateful I felt for all of our front line workers and the incredible people that risk stepping outside of their safe place to keep our world running as well as they possibly can.
From a personal perspective I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to work from home and from the office throughout my career, and have often considered which I prefer, which environment I feel more productive in, and never really had to be in a position to pick a side. As part of my role I speak to both candidates and clients on a daily basis, and have felt an enormous sense of pride that people have embraced this new norm, while managing to keep their roles and businesses running and successful. It has not been without its challenges, I know many extroverts like myself who are seriously struggling without the day to day support, interaction and ‘banter’ that comes with life in the office, however I have also spoken to a number of people that absolutely love this new work from home environment and have found themselves more productive and balanced than ever! I must say that it has been fantastic to see my clients and candidates in a different light, with us all taking video calls with dogs on our laps, babies needing feeding and children being home schooled… it really has got me thinking.. is there some silver linings that will come out of this situation?
I for one find myself on certain days feeling anxious, sometimes overwhelmed, and other days incredibly positive about the future, I really do not know what it holds for me personally, for me as part of the recruitment industry, or for me living and working overseas thousands of miles away from my family… however I know one thing that is certain, and that is that through this shared experience, we will come out stronger, more dynamic, and definitely more flexible than we were before, and I really look forward to embracing a more forward thinking, and balanced way of working.