Busy day on the courses – all for good causes!
Friday saw the North Sound Golf Club in Grand Cayman hosting over one hundred golfers playing in the all day Mo-Open Golf Tournament. This is one of the many fundraising events which take place as part Movember. All the proceeds are donated to the Cayman Islands Cancer Society to be used to create awareness and help with cancer treatment for those who cannot afford it.
Emma was there for the morning session as a volunteer and was kept busy registering the teams on arrival, selling raffle tickets and then acting as a witness for the hole in one competition. A car was on offer for anyone able to make in a hole in one on the notoriously tricky 11th hole. Sadly for those out in the morning the car was perfectly safe (no-one on the green, let alone in the hole) but is certainly seemed that a lot of fun was being had by all.
Emma’s afternoon was spent at the 9 hole Britannia golf course just down the road playing as a team member in another annual golf tournament. Organised by the Business and Professional Women’s Club whose motto is “Women helping Women “, this one is just for the girls! Emma’s team were second, losing out by one shot, but she did win a prize for the longest drive of the day. She was particularly pleased with this as most teams in this event wear costumes and she was wearing a fur hat complete with Christmas decoration snowflake adornments , scarf and fur trimmed golf shirt and skirt as “winter” in her team’s Four Seasons theme.